Who could resist a day in Hawaii, even a rainy misty one? The destination for a few short hours was Manoa Falls and an arboretum near by. Abundance and lushness. Mud and bamboo. The question arose as to whether bamboo is indigenous to the Hawaiian islands or was introduced by Polynesians or Europeans. I ventured perhaps it was from China, a notion Gene found extremely amusing. He then asked whether the mud getting all over us our boots and legs was imported from China as well. Ah the humble beginnings of a running joke. The mud however, would hold us up in customs in New Zealand, when a rather dour-looking officer temporarily confiscated our boots and sterilized them.
The flowers on our short hike were stunning.
The rain conspired to make each more beautiful than the last.
And then there were the wild orchids...
those wild orchid looks exotic.